BFP! After 2 Miscarriages in a Row and About to Start IVF...
Conceive Plus user testimonial
Posted on Mon, 07/30/2012 - 11:23
Hi, I am 36 and my fiancée is 37. I have a very regular cycle. We started TTC in November 2011 and fell pregnant in December 2011. Unfortunately found our baby had no heartbeat at 9 weeks, had a D&C. Was absolutely gutted but fell pregnant again 4 months later only to start bleeding at 8 weeks - my OB found NOTHING on my scan and suspected an Ectopic.
Went in for an emergency D&C and Laparoscopy and thankfully it was not in my tubes - she couldn't find it, which meant it, was classified as an "unknown location". I felt something was wrong at the 6th week mark of this pregnancy as I started spotting and I had ZERO symptoms - sure enough...
5-6 months down the track we were referred to a Fertility Specialist and had all our tests done. My tests came back all normal but DH's sperm morphology was only 2% (motility and count were normal) which is probably why we weren't having any success. So, for the past 11 weeks he has been leading a healthier lifestyle and taking lots of vitamins!! We were all booked in to start IVF in 4 weeks time but to our surprise got our BFP yesterday morning!!! We are very excited but also very very nervous.
Here is what we did different which I think helped us achieve our BFP:
* Ovulated on CD 17 - BD 15, 16 and 17 - previous months we just BD'd every 2nd day from CD 10-18;
* Used Ovulation Kit and took my BBT, which I did every month anyway;
* used Conceive Plus (pre-filled applicators);
* DH has been on menevit, zinc, vitamin C for past 3 months (and cutting back on alcohol);
And what I think really helped was I had a HSG done 6 weeks ago. My tubes were both clear but it must have just given them a really good flush out. I would do this again. I am just praying everyday that this one sticks. It has to be my turn this time! I wish all you ladies TTC the very best of luck. It can be a very tough and emotional rollercoaster but what ever happens with this one, I am prepared for anything that comes my way. It is totally out of my control anyway. I have already started having symptoms like nausea and my test line came back faster and darker than the control line.. (that hasn't happened before :)) So feeling very hopeful.
Baby dust to you all. xxx
(as posted on
The day that ovulation occurs is when an egg is released by one of the ovaries and moves through the fallopian tube to be fertilised by sperm. Once released, a mature egg will stay alive for 12-24 hours before it dies. Sperm, however, can live in the female body for up to 5 days, so understanding when ovulation occurs each month can give couples the leeway of a day or two on either side of ovulation to have sex and maximise the chances of pregnancy.
Choline and inositol are two essential nutrients for maternal and foetal health and are highly recommended for women trying to conceive. Although particularly helpful for women with cycle irregularities and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) [1], choline and inositol can be taken in supplement form by any woman to enhance fertility.
Did you know that consuming the best foods and supplements for fertility can improve your chances of getting pregnant? For tips on how to get pregnant and gain a better understanding of how to get pregnant fast, read on. In this article, you’ll learn about the helpful fertility enhancing supplements and the best vitamins to help fertility and improve your chances of conceiving.