...i used concieve plus this month loved it and just got my bfp yay. This was my 3rd cycle but saying that the first cycle we decided we wanted another. And i was half way through. The second i tried opks, never got a positive. I discovered my cycle was only 24 days so was probably way off with timing. And yes this was the first cycle i used the concieve plus and i got the positive on the opk too. We really liked the concieve plus. The month before my husband couldnt manage it a few times cause it was beginning to hurt (sorry tmi). But this time with the concieve plus was better and it was me flaking. We managed to bd 7 days in a row! Ha ha, Id say give it a go and good luck to you all. (as posted on forum today http://www.babyandbump.com/trying-to-conceive/264570-pre-seeders-conceive-ers-zestica-thread-24-bfps-stats-page-1-a-110.html)