Category_Success Stories

"I know the fertility struggle"

"I know the fertility struggle" - Conceive Plus® UK "I know the fertility struggle" - Conceive Plus® UK
“Baby Evie-May arrived 29th February at 17:16pm xx” L.L, Facebook March 14th 2016 “I’m happy to let all of you knw this product does work…I’m not going to give it all the credit cuz my parents prayed for me to get pregnant. Also… now I’m 5 weeks and I’m so happy…” G.L, Facebook March 15th 2016 “I’m 20 weeks tomorrow and I used this! Took a couple months using this and I’m due in Aug. with my first child :)!” J.B, Facebook March 20th 2016 “I just want to say I’m a real person not a computer I used this back in November and fell pregnant first try I’m expecting my baby boy in August recommend this to anyone who is trying because it worked for me but I do understand everyone is different good luck ladies I know the fertility struggle tried 5 years before I found this :)” S.P, Facebook March 21st 2016 “I used this an I got pregnant within 2 months know I am happy 3 months prego” S.T, Facebook March 23d 2016 “Hi after 4 yrs of try for another baby we got told from the doctors I had polycystic ovary syndrome quite bad. Me and my partner got told it would be so hard to have another baby. We seen conceive Plus thought why not try it 5 different applicators we are now pregnant. So thank u so much will highly recommend this.” K.W, Facebook March 23d 2016 “Used this for the first time after a yr of trying and SUCCESS !!! We are 5 weeks pregnant.” K.T, Facebook March 29th 2016 “It worked for me I have pcos I tried meds nothing worked but this did only took me a month of using them” J.M, Facebook March 22d 2016 “Well we are pregnant We go April 8th so I’m still praying thank you and congrats” B.C, Facebook March 25th 2016 “I have pcos and hyperthyroidism we tried for two years then I got on fertility meds. First cycle of fermara I used conceive plus and I am 22 weeks pregnant. I know it helped me conceive!” E.B, Facebook March 30th 2016

Pregnancy tips to help you conceive

The time to start working toward a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. If you are trying to get pregnant quick, our pregnancy tips are good start to get your body ready for conception process. Read more here

More about Conceive Plus

If you have just started trying to get pregnant or have been trying for a while, Conceive Plus® can help increase your chances of conception naturally! Recommended by doctors, pharmacists and fertility clinics in more than 60 countries, this is the fertility friendly lubricant approved by the FDA and a prescription is not required.