I am CONVINCED that it was the Conceive Plus that did it for us. - Conceive Plus® UK

I am CONVINCED that it was the Conceive Plus that did it for us.

User review: "I am CONVINCED that it was the Conceive Plus that did it for us."

BFPPPPP!!!!! We have been TTC for over a year and every single month I’ve convinced myself that I was pregnant. Sadly, every single time I was hugely disappointed. Two cycles ago, I bought the Clearblue Fertility Monitor (magic tool) and this cycle was the first cycle I used a Preseed-type product (I used Conceive Plus – super magic tool). After 13 months of trying I am CONVINCED that it was the Conceive Plus that did it for us. We used it every time we bd leading up to O, and with the monitor, I knew exactly when my most fertile days were. This month I dismissed all my symptoms because I thought I was getting my hopes up again. But voila! I got my BFP today on 15 dpo!!!! I planned not to test at all and just wait until I missed my period, but I caved today (the day my period was due) and I’m glad I did!!! I’m still in shock!!!! (taken from website twoweekwait.com, to read the full story visit: http://www.twoweekwait.com/node/3303) PREGNANCY TIPS TO HELP YOU CONCEIVE The time to start working towards a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. Read our pregnancy tips, they are good start to get your body ready for conception process. Read more here

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