Category_Success Stories
"It’s working !!! I’m pregnant !"

“It work for me just try first cycle yay I get pregnant and have my 6 months old health boys ” (sic)
B.I, Facebook January 13th 2016
“So I’m supper sick this does work I took it a week before my menstrual cycle and my doctor say congrats you expecting ”
S.R, Facebook January 27th 2016
“It’s working !!! I’m pregnant ! I used just twice in fertile days, and the miracle came. I am so happy now ! Good luck girls! Bless you!”
E.G, Facebook January 19th 2016
“Yay !!! It worked !!!”
H.L, Facebook January 28th 2016
“With this product, that I use in just two day of my fertile days, I got pregnant! I have to say that I’m 39 year’s old but with this product it really work! Thank you “Conceive Plus” Good luck Girls ! Bless you !”
E.G, Facebook January 28th 2016
“We were trying for about a year for our second, got pregnant first mount 🙂 I am due now :)”
K.P, Facebook January 29th 2016