Category_Success Stories
"Used it on my most fertile days"

“Yes got mines a month ago nd now im 3 weeks 🙂 prayers” (sic)
C.B, Facebook April 25 2016
“I have pcos and after trying for 2 years we used this & conceived in the first month! 🙂 goodluck!”
T.C, Facebook April 26th 2016
“I used this & got pregnant on first try that was after a miscarriage I’m now 10 weeks :)”
S.P, Facebook April 26th 2016
“My husband and I tried a little over a half of yr. I was also on the pill for 3 yrs. (…) I saw this bought the big bottle and I still have over half the bottle! I didn’t even use it all the time. I’m sure it helped though! I conceived in November before Thanksgiving and due in August with my first baby! My husband and I having a boy. Joseph Anthony 🙂 My husband and I conceived at 10 months when trying with this. I say its worth taking a chance. Good luck!” (sic)
J.B, Facebook April 27th 2016
“I’ve got pcos used this twice on my most fertile days and currently 7 weeks. Good luck x”
B.B, Facebook April 28th 2016
“It worked for me and my husband after the second month we used it! I’m now 14 weeks!”
A.T, Facebook April 28th 2016
“I just thought about using it and it worked”
D.W, Facebook April 28th 2016
“Husband and I tried for over a year, used this the first time and now we are 7 weeks and 3 days! Expecting our angel in December ”
M.D, Facebook April 29th 2016
“This product works I am currently, 15 weeks pregnant we been trying and nothing I orders this product two weeks later pregnant”
M.F, Facebook April 29th 2016
“C.C, I got it from Amazon but you can get it from pharmacies. I used it on my most fertile days, I found them out using an ovulation kit and a period tracker app. For example if my peak fertile day was wednesday, we had sex the Sunday before and the Friday. I had been to the hospital for loads of tests and the specialists said have sex ⅔ times a week. We used the applicator and the gel. Good luck xx”
S.H, Facebook April 29th 2016