Category_Success Stories
Testimonial: "We used it for once cycle and found out I was pregnant at 10 weeks. "

I used this almost two years ago to help conceive my daughter. We used it for once cycle and found out I was pregnant at 10 weeks. I couldn't get a positive on home pregnancy test bc of my pcos.. But anyways. Our daughter is one and we have decided to try again for another. I looked at everything and all to try and get pregnant bc my pcos was stopping me. Will be trying it again this cycle to help aide! I can not wait to use it. I only do not love it bc it help us get pregnant but I absolutely love the lube! It's not stinky or anything. Best lube I've ever had! Get it in two days and cannot wait to start this cycle!!!! I'll come back an update if we end up pregnant :) Also Forgot to write it took us a year and a half of trying with opks and still didn't get pregnant until I used this Amazon verified product review