big fat positive pregnancy test

SUki Chin: "I finally saw the long awaited 2 strips!"

SUki Chin: "I finally saw the long awaited 2 strips!" - Conceive Plus® UK SUki Chin: "I finally saw the long awaited 2 strips!" - Conceive Plus® UK

It's always amazing to read and share the stories of our couples. Many of them were just about to lose hope when they tried Conceive Plus and got their positive result!! Here's what SUki Chin writes: "My story is a bit long but I want to write this testimonial to share with you my path to pregnancy. I had a hard time getting pregnant and I checked with the doctors that everything was normal. One day I read in the forums about Conceive Plus and I immediately purchased 5 boxes at once. I have already read numerous articles and forums regarding the best method for TTC and kept a detailed record of the steps I have taken. It is your own body so you should know best. While using Conceive Plus, my husband had also been taking vitamin E. For the 2nd month of trying, I felt discouraged as I was not pregnant yet. About a few weeks later, my family and relatives came to visit me, for some reason I did not feel discouraged anymore and I thought to give the pregnancy test a go. While I sat there looking out the window waiting, I finally saw the long awaited 2 strips! 1. It is important to use Conceive Plus to ensure healthy and strong sperm, while the man takes vitamin E. We took this for 2-3 months. 2. As long as the sperm is healthy, with the correct timing, one time intercourse is enough. We learned that with Conceive Plus, it lubricates and creates a smooth path for the sperm to swim to the egg."

为了感谢Angel Ng, 我来做见证啦!故事有点长, 哈哈。。结婚半年后开始备孕,原以为很简单,只要在月经来后开始算到第10-第20天,每两天AA一次,就能怀上。三个月后没消息,就开始急了,开始上网找资料。第一次吃folic acid, 周期长达50天+。当中连续两个月有褐色分泌物,又在那傻猜想是不是排卵出血还是着床出血 (这些词都是网上学的,有时看太多搞得自己想东想西的也不是好事哈哈)。 当然还是吃白果咯。然后开始怀疑是不是自己身体有毛病,女人嘛,天生多猜疑。可是备孕不到半年,又不是高龄 (去年27岁),多数是建议备孕一年不成功才算不孕,就不了了之,打算半年后才去。 之后有喝八珍汤,可是超级不喜欢那个味道,所以也作罢。再之后看到秀x排卵试纸, 买了用了几个月,可是那个线一时深一时浅,那个卖家只说这个试纸很敏感,也没给到好的指导。所以我也作罢了。 年头新年前还怀不上,鼓起勇气跟老公去私人医院看医生检查身体,一共3次: 1. 问诊, 照子宫,一切正常。 2. 下次月经来的第二天回去验血和老公就验精子。我的荷尔蒙正常,老公精子形态正常,活力有点弱(40%, 通常50%)。 3. HSG 输卵管检查。月经干净后第一天去做。类似一根东西塞入下体,输入液体然后照类似x-ray 看有没有堵塞。感觉好像有时候吃冰多了,月经来的时候很痛很痛那样 @@ (可怜,刚经历月经痛,又来多一次)。还有,没有堵塞。 医生叫我们回去尝试自然怀孕,半年不行的话才考虑 IUI。 之后,无意看到Angel Ng 在 的帖,看到很多成功的见证,心又动摇了,结果一口气买了5盒那个配套 + conceive plus 。在加上爬帖爬群组学了很多, 自己根据本身情况仔细分析 (没有人比你更清楚自己)。 用天使的试纸第一个月,我吃白凤丸+蜂皇浆, 第25天才排卵。可是强阳几天,天使说卵子应该生化了,我晕@@ (注:AA有用conceive plus,老公有吃vitamin E) 第二个月,吃蜂皇浆 + 红糖姜茶。月经后的第12天,觉得白带很多,像蛋清,就拿起试纸测 (本来没打算那么早测,因为我周期通常30-35天,迟排卵的)。可是,测到两条线,第二条不明显。第二天再测,就测到强阳,当天赶紧AA。隔天再测,线浅了。补课了一次。 之后家人从家乡来访一个多星期,忙着带他们走走跑跑,也就没时间想东想西。 排卵后第12天,起身时突然心血来潮,用了ZZY. 当下是白板,可是很奇怪的我没有失落感,反而还拿去窗外看,隐隐约约看到第二条线。之后用了排卵试纸,两条线,就发给天使看。天使说90% 有了 (^0^)/ 她叫我第二天再测ZZY,看有没有加深。我下午就忍不住验了,果然加深了。。就这样,我一年的备孕就画上句号了~~ 总结 1. 我本身分析出我是卵子不美,宫寒。所以之后专攻蜂皇浆 + 红糖姜茶。老公精子不活跃就吃vitamin E, 吃了2-3个月。在加conceive plus 帮助精子一把。 2. 只要卵子精子健康,对的时间,其实一次AA就足够。之前隔天AA, 搞得我们都很累,初期还因为太干而用lubricant.之后才知道lubricant 会妨碍精子前进。