Category_Success Stories
"Wished I used this when TTC"

“Used this on first month of TTC and worked first time 🙂 🙂 I now have welcomed my 4 week old daughter into this world. Wished I used this when TTC prev as took 9 month to get the BFP”
L.L, Facebook May 26th 2016
“Worked for me I’m currently 7weeks 3days 😊 xx.”
S.R, Facebook May 26th 2016
“I couldn’t believe it but after trying for 6 months and using conceive plus I was pregnant within a month. So worth it Thank you so much!”
J.Z, Facebook May 27th 2016
“This works ‘ I used few days before ovulation then on ovulation day! Only used twice! And I am now almost 7 weeks pregnant! With the help of this and prayers god has blessed my family!”
V.L, Facebook May 27th 2016
“I can go without a period for 2-4 months and my partner got told to cut down smoking when we decided to try seen this thought let’s try it (made him pay for it incase it didn’t work so he couldn’t blame me for wasting money lol) I am now 4 months 3 months pregnant and according to dates I conceived 2-3 days from using it, it says to use on us females but my other half had it on him as well and we didn’t wait 15 mins either”
P.V, Facebook May 28th 2016
“Best product imaginable! I was told I would never be able to have children. My husband and I tried for two years to have a baby. I started using this product April last year. I found out I was pregnant in June. We had our little miracle on February 26th 2016. Her name is Ellie Claire and she is my entire world! A world that would not be possible without this product. Thank you guys so so much for everything”
C.V, Facebook May 29th 2016
“I used it 1 time. I’m now 7 weeks pregnant with my first child. ❤❤❤”
S.T, Facebook May 29th 2016
“I’ve used this gel and got pregnant after using it. I did have a miscarriage but got pregnant again using it and gave birth 6 weeks ago. I definitely believe this gel helped”
X.X, Daily Mail May 4th 2016
“When I first seen it I was thinking this is a load of crap and people just trying to get your money. After 7 months of trying my other half said buy it and give it ago well it turns out I was wrong and I just found out I am 9 weeks pregnant 🙂 and I fell pregnant the first month we used it. So don’t believe this well not work as it dose it may take time or you can be lucky only time tells.”
C.B, Facebook May 30th 2016