I used it throughout my cycle as TMI but I never get that wet down there and it has been wonderful for our sex life. - Conceive Plus® UK

I used it throughout my cycle as TMI but I never get that wet down there and it has been wonderful for our sex life.

I bought it May and got a BFP (big fat positive) which ended in an early miscarriage, me and hubby had a break from TTC for a few months as we were trying to move used it this month and bang got my BFP (big fat positive) and a lovely strong one as well this time. I used it throughout my cycle as TMI but I never get that wet down there and it has been wonderful for our sex life. Babybefore30 (http://www.babyandbump.com/trying-to-conceive/397811-sasmar-conceive-plus-2.html)


The time to start working toward a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. Read more here

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